SE Sweden
  • N20E - Electricity

Electricity meters

Regulations amending the Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment’s Regulations (STAFS 2022:8) on meters for active electrical energy

The draft regulations extend the scope of application to include the allocation of guarantees of origin in thenon-concession-regulated network. The amendment introduces requirements for electricity meters andmeasuring systems used to measure electricity generated in an electricity generation plant that feeds electricityinto an electricity network that is not covered by network concessions for electricity generators receiving anallocation of guarantees of origin. Under the draft regulations, the owner of such a generation plant mustensure that electricity meters and the measuring system meet the requirements laid down in Swedac’sregulations on meters for active electrical energy.

The draft transposes Directive 2014/32/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market ofmeasuring instruments.
Sections 4 and 7 are Swedish national provisions. With regard to humidity and temperature conditions, therequirements may be laid down in accordance with Article 7(3) of the Measuring Instruments Directive and arewithin the constraints allowed for Member States under that Directive.
As the draft regulations and the regulations currently in force are part of the transposition of an EU Directive(2014/32/EU), the provisions do not need to contain a mutual recognition clause.