EC Ecuador
  • 11 - Health care technology

Draft legislative text "Partial amendment to Resolution ARCSA-DE-005-2018-JCGO on guidelines for issuing the certificate of exclusivity for medicines in general and biological medicines. Published in Official Journal No. 256 of 6 June 2018".

Reforma Parcial a la Resolución Nro. ARCSA-DE-005-2018-JCGO Directrices para emisión del Certificado de Exclusividad de medicamentos en general y medicamentos biológicos. Publicado en el Registro Oficial 256 de 6 de junio de 2018 (Partial amendment to Resolution ARCSA-DE-005-2018-JCGO on guidelines for issuing the certificate of exclusivity for medicines in general and biological medicines. Published in Official Journal No. 256 of 6 June 2018) (7 pages, in Spanish)

Partial amendment to Resolution ARCSA-DE-005-2018-JCGO on guidelines for issuing the certificate of exclusivity for medicines in general and biological medicines.