EG Egypt
  • 65 - Agriculture

Fertilizers (ICS code(s): 65.080)

Draft of Egyptian standard ES 8539" Fertilizers – Marking – Presentation and declarations "; (partial amendment in 1 page, in Arabic).

This draft of Egyptian standard specifies methods for marking or labelling fertilizer containers. This standard applies to all fertilizers in containers or in bulks.

This draft standard has been partially modified in the following items:

·        Item no.(9) labelling, The following data shall be written on the label or containers as follows:

9/1/1 "Product name."

9/1/2 Type and grade of fertilizer, clause (9/3)

9/1/3 Installation, Clause (9/4)

9/1/4 Net mass or volume, clause (9/5)

9/1/5 Name and address of the person or entity responsible for compiling the data, clause (9/6).

9/1/6 Instructions for use, clause (9/7).

9/1/7 Warning sentences related to safety, clause (9/8).

9/1/8 In the case of a product sold by the Ministry of Agriculture, it must be written "For the Ministry of Agriculture (sponsored)."

For examples, see the appendices from Appendix (A) to (E).

·        Annex (B) B/1 Text to be" Application rate: 0.125 to 0.067%, 0.17 kg to 0.33 kg per acre (1 acre = 4046,856 square meters)"

Worth mentioning is that this standard is technically identical with ISO 7409/2018

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