FI Finland
  • T40T - Urban and road transport

Traffic control devices, road equipments

Traffic control devices regulation

The regulation concerns the technical requirements of traffic control devices. More specifically, theregulation concerns necessary regulations related to colors, structure and dimensioning of traffic signs, trafficlights and road markings.

The more detailed technical regulations of the colors, structure and dimensions of these traffic control devicesare included in the annexes. The annexes includes, for example, the dimensional drawings.
The paragraph 3 of the regulation concerns the general requirements regarding the structure of traffic signsaccording to the Finnish Road Traffic Act. The paragraph also contains general regulations on thedimensioning of traffic signs according to the Finnish Road Traffic Act. In addition to this, the paragraphincludes the applicable references to the appendixes containing dimensioning drawings.
The paragraph 4 of the regulation concerns the general requirements of the traffic lights and the references toapplicable appendixies of the regulation. In addition to this, the parapragh includes the regulations related tovoice guidances in light controlled pedestrian crossings and embossed markings on the push button cases.
The paragraph 5 of the regulation concerns the general requirements of the road markings and the referencesto applicable appendixies of the regulation.
The paragraph 6 of the regulation concerns the general requirements of the tram traffic signs in accordancewith the Section 70, subsection 5 of the Finnish Road Traffic Act, and the reference to the applicable appendixof the regulation.