CZ Czech Republic

Examples of goods and services concerned: sources of ionising radiation, nuclear materials, radioactivewaste, construction materials, drinking and bottled water, selected installations in nuclear energy, packages forthe transport of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste;

Draft Act amending Act No 263/2016, the Atomic Act, as amended

Atomic Act (Act No 263/2016, effective from 1 January 2017) comprehensively regulates the peaceful use ofnuclear energy and ionising radiation in the Czech Republic and the protection against its possible negativeeffects. It includes all components of the life cycle of nuclear installations and activities with sources of ionisingradiation (cradle-to-grave principle), hence it regulates the commencement of activities (location, construction),their implementation, closure (decommissioning) and management of consequences (particularly radioactivewaste and spent nuclear fuel management and financing). In the case of use of ionising radiation, the Actregulates all types of exposure situations and affects the management of sources of ionising radiation, theirtesting, repair, manufacture, import or export and use for medical purposes. The purpose is to ensure that bothworkers and the public (e.g. patients and their relatives) are protected from exposure. Protection againstexposure from natural sources such as radon in buildings or radionuclides in drinking water is also regulated.Radiation situation monitoring and protection against exposure due to radiological emergencies (accidents) arealso an essential part of the legislation. Radiation protection is also emphasised when transporting radioactiveand fissile materials.

In the case of nuclear installations, the Atomic Act lays down requirements to ensure their safety and laysdown requirements for persons who design, install, build and operate them. The manufacturing and assemblyprocesses of systems, structures and components that may have an impact on safety are also an essentialpart of the legal requirements. From the point of view of the exercise of State authority, the Atomic Act buildsupon a system of authorisation for activities and requirements associated with them, registration of minoractivities and notification for certain activities requiring State supervision. Authorisation and the requirementsimposed on it, including the requirements for relevant documentation that provides safety assurancecertificates, are the basis for regulation in this area and form the basis for most of the other obligationsimposed on the addressees of the Act.

Keywords: nuclear energy, ionising radiation, radionuclide source, nuclear installations, nuclear safety, technical safety