BG Bulgaria

The Regulation lays down the technical requirements for artificial bumps on the carriageway, the types ofspeed limiting devices and the scope of their application.

Draft Regulation on the conditions for the construction or installation on the carriageway of artificial bumpsand other speed limiting devices and the requirements thereto

The requirements of the Regulation are intended to apply to roads open to public use, both national roads ofthe first to third class and local roads, as well as to streets of the primary and secondary street networks, withthe exception of first class streets. On national roads outside settlements, the construction or installation ofartificial bumps on the carriageway is not permitted.

The requirements of the Regulation shall apply to major renovation and reconstruction works on existing roadsand streets, the development of a stand-alone vehicle speed limitation project and the design of new roadconstruction. The draft Regulation is structured into four parts as follows: “General provisions”, “Technicalrequirements and types of speed limiting and traffic calming devices”, “Procurement, design, coordination,approval and execution of artificial bumps and of other speed limiting devices” and “Responsibilities andduties. Monitoring“.
When designing, constructing or installing the speed limiting devices, construction products whoseperformance in relation to their essential characteristics ensures the fulfilment of the requirements forconstruction works in accordance with Article 169(1) of the Spatial Planning Act (SPA) and complies with thetechnical specifications within the meaning of the Regulation referred to in Article 9(2)(5) of the TechnicalRequirements for Products Act pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and ofthe Council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products andrepealing Directive 89/106/EEC (OJ L 88/04.04.2011) shall be envisaged, including the requirements underArticles 9, 10 and 11 of Regulation (EU) 2019/515 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March2019 on the mutual recognition of goods lawfully marketed in another Member State and repealing Regulation(EC) No 764/2008 (OJ L 91/1, 29.03.2019).
Monitoring the implementation of the Regulation is entrusted to the services responsible for monitoring ofcompliance with traffic rules in accordance with the Road Traffic Law (RTL).