TW Taiwan
  • 11 - Health care technology

Traditional Chinese medicine raw materials

Draft of "The Regulatory Limits of Pesticide Residues in Traditional Chinese Medicine Raw Materials". Language(s): Chinese, English translation available. Number of pages: 5

This draft aims to define the regulatory limits of pesticide residues in traditional Chinese medicine raw materials, and to ensure the safety of people using traditional Chinese medicine raw materials.

The pesticide residues in traditional Chinese medicine raw materials listed in Appendix Table 1 shall meet the Standards for the "Pesticides Residue Limits in Traditional Chinese Medicine Raw Materials" and "Extraneous Residue Limits in Traditional Chinese Medicine Raw Materials", as Appendix Table 2 and Table 3.

The test method of pesticide residues in this regulatory limits shall be based on the Method of Test for Pesticide Residues in Chinese Medicine Raw Materials Multiresidue Analysis promulgated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The examination of pesticide residues shall include the pesticide itself and its metabolites.