PL Poland
  • T40T - Urban and road transport

passenger cars intended for sporting competitions

Draft Regulation of the Minister for Infrastructure on tests as to the compliance with technical conditions of passenger cars intended for sporting competitions and on models for documents relating to

The draft Regulation of the Minister for Infrastructure on tests as to the compliance with technical conditionsof passenger cars intended for sporting competitions and on models for documents relating to these testsimplements the statutory authorisation contained in Article 81(17) of the Road Traffic Law Act of 20 June 1997(Journal of Laws 2023, item 1047, as amended).

The need to enact this Regulation, arises from the amendments introduced by the Act of 16 June 2023amending the Act on public collective transport and certain other acts (Journal of Laws, item 1720) to the RoadTraffic Law Act of 20 June 1997.
The amendments introduced concern the entry into service of passenger cars intended for sportingcompetitions.
There are currently no provisions allowing passenger cars intended for sporting competitions to be used onpublic roads. The draft Regulation aims to define the scope of technical conditions allowing passenger carsintended for sporting competitions to participate in road traffic with the maximum possible respect to the safetyrules, taking into account the specific design and construction features of such vehicles.
One of the conditions for the entry into service of a passenger car intended for sporting competitions is toobtain a positive test result as to its compliance with the technical conditions specified in the provisions laiddown pursuant to Article 81(17) of the Act.
In the light of the above, the draft Regulation lays down:
(1) the scope of the tests as to the compliance with technical conditions of passenger cars intended forsporting competitions and the procedures for carrying it;
(2) the models for documents relating to these tests.
Having regard to the circumstance that passenger cars intended for
sporting competitions shall be allowed to a very limited extent and, given that such vehicles are subject tofrequent conversions adapted to a specific sporting event, the scope for testing these vehicles as tocompliance with technical conditions by an authorised diagnostician has also been minimised. The essentialburden of verifying the safety of the vehicle shall be confirmed by testing the compliance with the technicalconditions set out for this type of vehicle by the Polish sports association. The document proving compliancewith these conditions shall be the Sports Car Book (KSS), the possession of which shall be a prerequisite fortesting as to compliance with the technical conditions of passenger cars intended for sporting events.
As a first step, the authorised diagnostician must check the validity of the Sports Car Book referred to inArticle 38(1)(4e) of the Act. This document must bear the signature of the representative of the sportsassociation. The diagnostician then verifies the vehicle’s actual compliance with the parameters declared bythe owner of the vehicle in the application for testing as to compliance with the technical conditions of apassenger car intended for sports competitions (the model is set out in Annex 1 to the Regulation). In thecourse of that activity, the diagnostician shall, on the basis of the data in part two of the Sports Car Book,check and assess the correctness of the vehicle’s lights, the technical condition of the braking system, thetechnical condition of the chassis and the fuel tank, the condition of the suspension and the steering system,having regard to the design and intended use of passenger cars for sporting competitions.
After test as to the compliance of a passenger car intended for sporting competitions with the technicalconditions, the authorised diagnostician shall issue:
(1) a report assessing the technical condition of a passenger car intended for sporting competitions the modelof which is set out in Annex 2 to the Regulation and which is annexed to the certificate referred to in point 2.
(2) a certificate of test as to the compliance with the technical conditions of a passenger car intended forsporting competitions a model of which is set out in Annex 3 to the Regulation.