PL Poland
  • T40T - Urban and road transport

Technical characteristics of vehicles and the extent of their necessary equipment

The draft Regulation of the Minister for Infrastructure amending the Regulation of 31 December 2002 on the technical conditions of vehicles and the scope of their necessary equipment (Journal of Laws of2016, item 2022, Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2338, Journal of Laws of 2018, item 855)

The draft Regulation excludes passenger cars intended for sporting competitions which, on the basis ofseparate regulations, have been entered in the register kept by the competent Polish sports association withinthe meaning of the Sports Act of 25 June 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 2048) from the subject scope ofthe amended Regulation of the Minister for Infrastructure of 31 December 2002 on the technical conditions ofvehicles and the scope of their necessary equipment (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 2022, as amended).

There are currently no regulations admitting passenger cars intended for sporting competitions to be used onpublic roads.
Pursuant to Article 65p of the Road Traffic Law introduced by the Act of 16 June 2023 amending the Act oncollective public transport and certain other acts (Journal of Laws, item 1720), a passenger car intended forsports competitions shall be admitted to road traffic for the duration of events organised by the relevant Polishsports association within the meaning of the provisions of the Sports Act of 25 June 2010 and by other relevantsports associations organising events on the basis of the rules in force in the relevant Polish sportsassociation, on designated roads enabling access as referred to in Article 65a(3)(3)(j).
Pursuant to Article 65q of the Road Traffic Law, a passenger car intended for sporting competitions shall beauthorised for road traffic if it complies with the technical conditions laid down by the competent Polish sportsassociation on the basis of Article 13(1)(2) of the Sports Act of 25 June 2010, published in each case on thesubject-related website of the association, obtains a positive result of the examination as to whether apassenger car intended for sporting competition complies with the technical conditions laid down in theprovisions issued Pursuant to Article 81(17) of the Road Traffic Law, is temporarily registered under Pursuantto Article 74(2ca) of the Road Traffic Law, and is checked by the organiser of the event prior to the event start.
In order to implement these provisions, it was necessary to exclude passenger cars intended for sportingcompetitions which are entered in the register kept by the competent Polish sports association from theobligation to comply with the technical conditions laid down in the Regulation of the Minister for Infrastructureof 31 December 2002 on the technical conditions for vehicles and the extent of their necessary equipment.