BE Belgium
  • C40A - Pesticides and pesticide residues

The Ministerial Decree determines the drift reduction agents or measures referred to in Article 9, 4° of theRoyal Decree of 19 March 2013 to achieve the sustainable use of plant protection products and additives.

Ministerial Decree amending the Ministerial Decree of 1 April 2021 laying down drift reduction agents or measures

This draft Ministerial Decree aims to further expand the list of recognised drift reduction agents or measures.Article 9, 4° of the Royal Decree of 19 March 2013 on achieving the sustainable use of plant protectionproducts and adjuvants stipulates that drift reduction agents or measures may be used to reduce buffer zonesand that the Minister may determine which ones are eligible for this purpose. The Ministerial Decree of 1 April2021 lays down these agents and measures.

For the current redrafting, the focus was placed on drift reduction agents and measures for full field application.No agents or measures were withdrawn compared to the original annex of the 2021 Ministerial Decree. Thedrift reduction rate of the already recognised agents or measures was thus at least maintained, or in somecases extended to a higher drift reduction rate; in addition, new drift reduction agents and measures wereadded.