NZ New Zealand
  • 01 - Generalities, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation
  • 03 - Services, Company organization, Management and quality, Administration, Transport, Sociology
  • 13 - Environment and health protection, Safety

Applies to importers of waste for recovery, reprocessing, recycling or disposal from all countries. Those involved with the importation, shipment and the treatment of these items should also know and understand the requirements of this Standard.

Waste for Recovery, Reprocessing, Recycling or Disposal. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 16

The proposed Waste standard will revoke the current Inorganic Risk Material standard.

Major changes to the standard include the addition of offshore treatment providers and adjustment of treatment timeframes. There is also clarification of existing procedures and the widening of the range of commodities that can be imported (such as cardboard, paper, plastic, hazardous waste for destruction, scrap metal, and asbestos for destruction etc.). Given the expansion of the scope the standards name has also been changed to the Import Health Standard for Waste for Recovery, Reprocessing, Recycling or Disposal (Waste).