CZ Czech Republic
  • 17 - Metrology and measurement, Physical phenomena

Measuring instruments used to monitor activity limits and concentration of effluents from nuclear facilities, nuclear raw material mining or processing facilities, radioactive waste processing plants and from the processing or application of radioactive materials, and also used to determine environmental radiation exposure due to effluents. Measuring instruments for continuous monitoring of gamma radioisotopes in liquid effluents from nuclear facilities; Measuring instruments (ICS 17.040.30)

Draft General Measure number: 0111-OOP-C075-16 laying down the metrological and technical requirements for legally controlled measuring instruments, including test methods for type approval and verification of the following legally controlled measuring instruments: Measuring instruments used to monitor activity limits and concentration of effluents from nuclear facilities, nuclear raw material mining or processing facilities, radioactive waste processing plants and from the processing or application of adioactive materials, and also used to determine environmental radiation exposure due to effluents. Measuring instruments for continuous monitoring of gamma radioisotopes in liquid effluents from nuclear facilities (22 page(s), in Czech; 22 page(s), in English)

Measuring instruments used to monitor activity limits and concentration of effluents from nuclear facilities, nuclear raw material mining or processing facilities, radioactive waste processing plants and from the processing or application of radioactive materials, and also used to determine environmental radiation exposure due to effluents measuring instruments for continuous monitoring of gamma radioisotopes in liquid effluents from nuclear facilities are placed on the market and put into use in the Czech Republic as legally controlled measuring instruments following type approval and initial verification pursuant to Act No 505/1990 on metrology, as amended. This legislation contains a national metrological regulation of type approval and verification of these measuring instruments.