VN Vietnam
  • 43 - Road vehicle engineering

Buses (ICS 43.080.20)

The Draft National technical regulation on urban buses designed for easy access for disabled people (22 page(s), in Vietnamese)

·         This draft technical regulation regulates the test of the urban buses designed for easy access for disabled people (urban buses allowed to carry 17 seats or more including those for disabled people);

·         This draft technical regulation does not applies to passenger cars as defined in TCVN 6211;

·         This draft technical regulation applies to the establishments manufacturing and assembling and organizations and individuals importing vehicles and components thereof, and other agencies, organizations and individuals involved in the management, testing, inspection and certification for the quality, technical safety and environment protection of vehicles and components thereof; 

This draft technical regulation shall replace the QCVN 82:2014/BGTVT National technical regulation on urban bus designed for easy access for disabled people.