HU Ungarn
  • C50A - Lebensmittel

Requirements for non-alcoholic beverages

Amendment to Government Decree No 210/2009 of 29 September 2009 on the conditions for carrying out commercial activities in the context of the protection of the health of children and minors

Based on the amendment of Act CLV of 1997 on consumer protection (hereinafter: Consumer ProtectionAct) in order to protect children’s health, it is prohibited to sell or serve energy drinks with the compositionspecified in the Government Decree (hereinafter: energy drinks) to persons under the age of eighteen. TheConsumer Protection Act authorises the Government to determine by decree the composition of energy drinksthat cannot be sold or served to persons under the age of eighteen years. The amendment sets out theingredients whose presence to a certain extent poses the greatest risk to the health of young people, byregulating the widest possible range of energy drinks (and other food products with such effects) currentlypresent on the food market.