LT Litauen

Fibre hemp;

Fibre hemp products and derived products

Draft Law amending Articles 2, 4 and 8 of Law No XII-336 of the Republic of Lithuania on fibre hemp

The draft law repeals the provision requiring an economic entity who places fibre hemp products andderived products on the Lithuanian market to hold a certificate confirming that fibre hemp products and derivedproducts, produced in Member States of the European Union other than Lithuania, must be obtained orproduced from fibre hemp in which the THC content does not exceed the allowed 0.3% limit.

The draft law allows scientific and research institutions or economic entities to import from third countries 6 kgof seeds of varieties of hemp unauthorised in EU in the calendar year without an import licence forexperimental or selection purposes in order to carry out studies of value for cultivation, with the aim ofincluding a variety of fibre hemp in the National List of Plant Varieties.