EC Ecuador
  • 70 - Glas und Glaswaren
  • 87 - Automobile, Traktoren, Motorräder, Fahrräder und andere Landfahrzeuge; Teile und Zubehör dazu

Toughened (tempered) safety glass (excl. that of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels, and glass for clocks, watches and spectacles) (HS code: 7007.19); Laminated safety glass (HS code: 7007.21); Front windscreens (windshields), rear windows and other windows for motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 (HS code: 8708.22)

Proyecto de la Primera Revisión del Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano PRTE 084 (1R) "Vidrios de seguridad para vehículos automotores" (Draft first revision (1R) of Ecuadorian Technical Regulation (PRTE) No. 084: Safety glass for motor vehicles) (12 pages, in Spanish)

The notified Ecuadorian Technical Regulation applies to the following domestically manufactured and imported products marketed in Ecuador and used in motor vehicles that fall into the vehicle categories established in Ecuadorian Technical Standard (NTE INEN) No. 2656: Vehicle classification:

·        Safety glass for vehicle categories L, M, N, O and T

·        Laminated safety glass

·        Toughened (tempered) safety glass