UA Ukraine
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Plants and plant products

Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Procedure of inspection, survey, phytosanitary examination, supervision, monitoring, disinfection of regulated objects, issuance of certificates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Plant Quarantine", control of inspections in terms of sampling and selective control over the conduct of phytosanitary examination". Language(s): Ukrainian. Number of pages: 25

The proposed amendments to the Procedure of inspection, survey, phytosanitary examination, supervision, monitoring, disinfection of regulated objects, issuance of certificates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Plant Quarantine", control of inspections in terms of sampling and selective control over the conduct of phytosanitary examination (hereinafter - the Procedure) are designed, in particular, to regulate digitalization in the field of plant protection. Some amendments to legislation are being initiated to ensure the possibility of exchanging electronic phytosanitary certificates (ePhytos) through the Hub. Thus, Ukraine's NPPO will be able to accept ePhytos issued by exporting countries. In addition, provisions relating to requirements for phytosanitary certificates and unacceptable, invalid and fraudulent phytosanitary certificates are brought into line with ISPM 12.