CL Chile
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Experimental samples of pesticides for agricultural purposes

Establece condiciones y requisitos para autorizar el ingreso o formulación y uso de muestras de plaguicida solo para experimentación, y deroga Resolución N° 92 de 2002 (Conditions and requirements for authorizing the entry or formulation and use of pesticide samples for experimental purposes only, and repeal of Resolution No. 92 of 2002) (11 pages, in Spanish)

The notified document addresses the need to update the SAG requirements for authorizing the entry and/or formulation of experimental samples.

It also meets the need to:

·        Provide a description of the steps and time frames for evaluating and completing the administrative procedure, in order to comply with the principles of speed, procedural economy and non-formalization established by Law No. 19.880.

·        Establish guidelines for the manufacture or entry of pesticide samples intended for experiments.

Further details can be found in the document attached to this notification.