EG Ägypten
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Milk and processed milk products (ICS code(s): 67.100.10)

Ministerial Decree No. 143 /2024 (1 page, in Arabic) mandating the Egyptian Standard ES 8042 for " fermented milks".; (13 page(s), in Arabic)

The Ministerial Decree No.143/ 2024 gives the producers and importers a six-month transitional period to abide by the Egyptian standard ES 8042 which specifies the essential requirements and descriptive criteria of fermented milks , which include fermented milks, heat-treated fermented milks, concentrated fermented milks, and complex dairy products, with the exception of labneh, which depend on the use of these milks and are prepared for direct consumption or for other manufacturing processes and which are consistent with the definitions stated in Clause 2. Worth mentioning is that this standard is technically identical with Codex Stan. 243 – Adopted in 2003. Revised in 2008, 2010, 2018. Amended in 2022.

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