CL Chile
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Honey bee semen extracted from drones of the species Apis mellifera

Fija exigencias sanitarias para la internación de semen de zánganos a Chile y deroga la Resolución que indica (Health requirements for the entry into Chile of drone bee semen and repeal of the Resolution indicated) Language(s): Spanish. Number of pages: 2

The notified text establishes health requirements, including those pertaining to the country or area of origin, the production centre of origin and the necessary health certification.

The requirements include:

1.    The semen must come from areas where African or Africanized bees are not present or from centres where the absence of Africanization is scientifically proven, and which must be positively assessed by SAG.

2.    The semen must come from centres that have been under the official control of the health authority for the last two years, and that have been authorized to export to Chile by SAG. In addition, in the three months prior to semen extraction, there must have been no cases of diseases transmitted by this vector.

3.    There must be an official health certificate, with specific health information and additional information identifying the establishment, the genetic line, the semen straws and the mode of transport.