FR Frankreich

Foodstuffs produced in France containing vegetable proteins.

Decree on the use of certain designations used to describe foods containing vegetable proteins

The draft decree regulates the use of designations traditionally designating foodstuffs of animal origin for thedescription, marketing or promotion of foods based on vegetable proteins produced and marketed in France.

The foods covered by the draft decree are those incorporating vegetable proteins. The draft decree sets outthe list of terms whose use is prohibited for the designation of foodstuffs containing vegetable proteins (Annex1) and the list of terms authorised for the designation of foodstuffs of animal origin which may contain plantproteins and the maximum proportion of vegetable proteins that may be contained in the foodstuffs for whichthese terms are used (Annex 2).
The foodstuffs covered by the draft decree are those incorporating vegetable proteins or ingredients of non-animal origin containing proteins.
Finally, the text provides for penalties in case of infringement of its provisions.
application of Article L. 412-10 of the Consumer Code