GB Vereinigtes Königreich
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

All plants, plant products and other objects

Details of planned amendments to England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain) retained legislation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072). Language(s): English. Number of pages:

The instrument will amend England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain) retained legislation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072) and will introduce updated pest measures.


·        Deregulation of GB quarantine pests (QPs) which have been assessed as not meeting the criteria to be a QP;

·        Addition of new GB QPs which have been assessed as meeting the criteria to be a QP;

·        Addition of new GB provisional quarantine pests (PQPs) which have been assessed as meeting the criteria to be a QP based on a provisional assessment;

·        Update of import requirements for potato plants to cover plants for planting, including micro plants;

·        Amendment of Annex 7, Part A, Item 83A to ensure that the commodities covered by this requirement will be subject to the same import requirements from all countries;

·        Incorporation into GB legislation of the requirements of retained EU derogations which are due to expire, and that GB intends to maintain;

·        Inclusion in legislation of the current easement on Tomato brown rugose fruit virus ("ToBRFV") testing requirements for seeds.

Further details:

1. Measure: Removal of various pests from the Annex 2 quarantine pest ("QP") lists

Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae

Haplaxius crudus

Coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma

Cowpea mild mottle virus

Changes introduced by the measure: These pests have been assessed and are not considered to meet the criteria to be GB QPs. Therefore they will no longer be subject to specific import requirements.

2. Measure: Addition of the following viruses of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) to the Annex 2 GB QP list

Citrus exocortis viroid

Columnea latent viroid

Pepper chat fruit viroid

Tomato planta macho viroid

Changes introduced by the measure: Pests added to the quarantine pest list will be subject to increased awareness raising, surveillance and action on detection within the UK to protect biosecurity.

3. Measure: Addition of the following viruses of peppers (Capsicum annuum) to the Annex 2 GB QP list

Pepper chat fruit viroid

Changes introduced by the measure: Pests added to the quarantine pest list will be subject to increased awareness raising, surveillance and action on detection within the United Kingdom to protect biosecurity.

4. Measure: Addition of the following various pests to the Annex 2A GB provisional quarantine pests lists:

Raffaelea lauricola

Raffaelea quercivora

Platypus quercivorus

Changes introduced by the measure: Pests added to the provisional quarantine pest list will be subject to increased awareness raising, surveillance and action on detection within the United Kingdom to protect biosecurity pending a full risk assessment.

5. Measure: Expansion of the current specific import requirements in Annex 7 for tuber of Solanum tuberosum to cover plants for planting, including micro plants, of potato (other than seeds).

Changes introduced by the measure: All potato plant commodity types, moving from the European Union, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, will need to be compliant with specific import requirements.

6. Measure: Changes to Tomato brown rugose fruit virus ("ToBRFV") testing requirements for seeds produced before 15 August 2020.

Changes introduced by the measure: Imports of seeds of pepper (C. annuum) and tomato (S. lycopersicum) produced before 15 August 2020 can continue to be imported where the seed lot has been tested and found free of ToBRFV in the exporting country but will not need to have been produced from mother plants which have had a growing season inspection.

7. Measure: Derogation of ash wood from Canada and the United States of America

Changes introduced by the measure: This measure will incorporate into GB legislation the requirements of a retained EU derogation which is due to expire. Ash wood from Canada and the United States of America will continue to be subject to the existing import requirements.

8. Measure: Derogation of certain conifer species of bonsai trees from Japan

Changes introduced by the measure: This measure will incorporate into GB legislation the requirements of a retained EU derogation which is due to expire. Certain types of conifer species of bonsai from Japan will continue to be subject to the existing import requirements.

9. Measure: Amend Annex 7, Part A, Item 83A of the England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain) retained legislation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072). Changes introduced by the measure: These specific import requirements will apply to imports from EU member States, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. This change will ensure that imports of the commodities covered by this requirement will be subject to the same import requirement as the rest of the world.

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